Wealth building with the Wohlwends
We have some very special guests lined up for our March meeting: The Wohlwend Family, Eric, Lila, Deven & Ethan.
The Wohlwend all work together creating their Real Estate Empire. They will be talking about getting the whole family
involved and intrested in Real Estate Investing and growing intergeneratonal wealth. Please dont miss this opportunity
to hear thier amazing story and the results of all their hard work! 5:30 PM, Monday March 13th at the Austintown Perkins.

Eric & Lila have been a full-time Real Estate Investors since 2003. They received both
the Ohio and the National Professional Housing Provider certification in 2006. They specialize
in being creative to make deals in any type of market. They have repositioned more than a
thousand units. They still control hundreds of single & multi-family residential properties as
well as many types of commercial property. They have spoken in 5 countries, on 3 continents
and in countless states. They have written multiple articles in various Real Estate Investment
newsletters and published a two #1 bestselling books including “ Family Success Triangle .”
The Wohlwend’s have used millions of dollars of private money from more than 100
private lenders to finance their real estate deals. Eric finds creative approaches to make good
deals great and Lila manages the properties to make them even better. They use systems for
management & operations to maximize value.
Their kids, Deven, now 15 & Ethan, who is currently 13, both bought their first piece of
real estate when they were 7 years old. Neither used any money or credit from their parents.
Deven published his first book when he was 11. He has been interviewed on many podcasts
listened to in more than 190 countries & has spoken to live audiences in more than half a dozen
states. Deven’s companies currently own over 45 units. Deven is a #1 Best-Selling Author of
The Garage and If I Can Do It So Can You-How I Started Buying Real Estate at Age 7 . The 2 nd
Book in his Garage series The Fall & Rise of Atlas will be available this Spring.
Ethan’s company own’s over 35 units & he recently started speaking. He has also been
on multiple podcasts including Rich-Dad Latino and The Real Estate Guys. Ethan’s 1 st book The
Treehouse was published & hit #1 on the best-seller’s list in 2022 when he was 12 years old. All
of these books teach the lessons about business and investing that made the family so successful.
The family has recently fought overreaching governments from the city to the federal
level. In 2020, when the CDC declared that landlords could not evict, they took on the CDC.
This family, and some fantastic lawyers, beat the CDC in the Cleveland federal court. This
helped to restore the rights of all property owners in the US.
When they are not buying more real estate, the family travels the US, Canada & Mexico
in one of their private planes training other investors to do what they are doing. They speak on
Intergenerational Wealth, Creativity, Action, Management, Arbitrage, Systems, Private Lending,
Homeschooling, How to take on the Government and many other topics. In their free time, Eric
& Lila continue to homeschool their 2 children. The whole family travels everywhere they can
to learn, teach & spend time with other like-minded individuals, like you.
If you would like more information about the Wohlwend family, their free newsletter or
information on their companies’ services you can visit www.ClearSkyTrainer.com . On Rumble,
YouTube and Instagram they can be found @RealPowerFamily.
Eric M. Wohlwend & Lila J. Wohlwend
Deven J. Wohlwend, Instagram @DevenWohlwend
Ethan A. Wohlwend, Instagram @WohlwendEthan
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